Cross-cultural Competence

In the international marketplace and workplace, the globe becomes ‘smaller’ and boundaries ‘disappear’, different people from different cultures will be forced to live side-by-side, work and play together, and do business with one another. The more this happens, the awareness of cultural difference is vital for success. Cultural Competence helps you to understand how and why people think, act and do things in the way they do and also what they think of you. Cultural differences can result in a variety of approaches, even when English is used as the common language.

Cultural Competence training can help you succeed, by raising awareness of:

  • how people from other cultures think, behave, and approach business.
  • how they see you.
  • potential problems and equipping you with strategies to resolve them.
  • how to improve your working relationships across cultures.
  • how to use cultural diversity to advantage by harnessing different approaches and competencies.